May 2019
Chabad of Sarasota proudly announces the opening this fall of a brand new section of its cemetery, Chabad Gardens. The Chabad Gardens upgrades will include additional burial spaces, new hedges surrounding the perimeter, a water spout for hand-washing, pavers outlining the walking paths, Live Oak trees and granite benches.
In addition to their aesthetic use, the benches will feature an engraved commemoration to provide an opportunity for families to further commemorate their loved ones. The upcoming dedication, which will take place at the start of the New Year, a rare event in Jewish communal life, will feature a unique ceremony open to the public.
It’s interesting and not widely known that a Jewish cemetery is more than just a plot of land. There is a sanctity to that ground. We sanctify the land by making seven hakafot, circling the new cemetery seven times, just as when we dedicate a new Torah scroll. During these hakafot we recite special prayers together.
It’s not every day that a Jewish cemetery is dedicated, and we issue an open invitation to anyone in the community who wishes to join us to take part in or witness this special ceremony.
While other Jewish cemeteries exist in the region, Chabad Gardens is the only Jewish cemetery in the Sarasota/Manatee area that conforms in every detail with Jewish law and custom.
Chabad Gardens offers the services of the Chevra Kadisha, who with the utmost respect, prepares the body for burial. It also features upright grave markers and ample walking paths between graves so visitors can avoid stepping upon the resting places of the deceased.
Chabad Gardens is available to any Jew regardless of background or affiliation. The cemetery exists to serve the entire Jewish community at large. Chabad Gardens is located within Robert Toale and Sons Funeral Home at Palms Memorial Park, at Honore and Fruitville Rd. Chabad of Sarasota will announce the date and time of the dedication in the near future. We would like to thank Herman Weber and Harry Zehnwirth who assisted with this project.
Chabad of Sarasota has consecrated as a Jewish cemetery the Chabad Gardens located within Robert Toale and Sons Funeral Home at Palms Memorial Park, at Honore and Fruitville Rd..
One does not like to think about death, but the loss of a loved one is a tragedy every household will experience at some time. Many of us have made “Pre-Need” arrangements in order to provide our family with peace of mind and relieve them of a financial burden. When a death does occur, families are often poorly prepared to deal with the associated problems and costs. Purchasing in advance a burial plot for interment removes one major stressor associated with the passing of a loved one. If you make your wishes clearly known in advance, your spouse or children will never have to ask: “...did I do the right thing; did I do what they would have wanted?”
To purchase or inquire about purchasing a plot, or to schedule a visit to the cemetery, please call: 925-0770.
You are welcome to download the following PDF version of "End of Life - Customs and Traditions & The Chabad Gardens Policies and Procedures".
Yaertzeit Reminder
If you would like to be reminder prior to a Yaertzeit anniversary, please click here and type in your name and address, as well as the name of the deceased name, date of passing and your relationship to the person.